Harnessing Resources: New Construction Opportunities | ICC
3 Hour Video & Text Course
The building industry is always evolving. Utilizing new construction options and techniques will allow you to build more efficiently and create a better quality of life for your clients.
0.3 ICC Energy CEUs 25450
Instructor: J. MacDowell
Course Description
Even as technological innovation creates new construction possibilities, incorporating energy-efficiency into building projects can not only provide a better quality of life, but also protect the environment. A comprehensive approach to resource and energy efficiency is the best method to achieve a resource and energy efficient building.
Renewable energy is contributing more and more to the world’s ever-rising energy demands. Solar energy generation systems are about to reach a level of affordability that will allow them to be considered equal to conventional power generation systems like fossil fuel plants and hydro-electric dams. Industry experts should know what products are on the market, and what rebates and incentives are available for customers who want to take advantage of new energy efficient resources and components. This three-hour online video course will explore new and innovative considerations for resource and energy efficiency.
After completing this course participants will be able to:
- Identify innovative design considerations incorporating energy efficient resources and components.
- Describe the design and development of solar energy, and how it compares to more conventional systems.
- Identify and describe the benefits that small business and home owners can realize when resource efficient designs are incorporated into their project.
- Evaluate the structural considerations when installing/mounting these new systems.