Residential Construction Contractor Course and Book Package | Louisiana
This package contains:
- 15 Hr Text Prep Course: Residential Construction Contractor
- Book: Carpentry & Building Construction 2016 Edition & Practice Test
- Book: International Residential Code, 2018 Edition & Practice Test
- PSI Approved, Pre-printed tabs for both books
- Practice tests for both books
- Free Video Course: Social Media for Contractors
The Louisiana licensing exam is a closed book exam exam
Instructor: J. McDowell
This course will prepare students for the exam and is based on the relevant resources listed in the PSI Candidate Bulletin. This course will provide a breakdown of each of the exam topics, followed by hundreds of practice questions. Resource information and links to relevant material are included.
After completing this course, learners will:
- Understand the application and requirements of IRC and ICC code.
- Recognize proper construction worksite practices and safety requirements.
- Define key components of residential construction, such as roofing, interior and exterior finish, rough carpentry, and masonry.
This course covers:
- Using the Code Books
- Code Tables, Illustrations, and Footnotes
- 2012 IRC
- Energy Code
- Building Planning and Permits
- Plan Reading
- Louisiana One Call
- Sitework
- Footings and Foundations
- Masonry
- Carpentry
- Cold Formed Steel
- Roofing
- Associated Trades
- OSHA Safety
- Construction Math
- Effective Study Techniques
- What to do next?
The following is an outline of the subject areas (in descending order of weight) that will be covered in the exam:
- Rough Carpentry 26%
- Interior and Exterior Finish 20%
- Concrete and Rebar 19%
- Associated Trades 10%
- Excavation and Site Work 9%
- Roofing 6%
- Masonry 5%
- Plans and Specifications 5%
The examination is made up of 80 multiple-choice questions which are equally weighted. You will have four hours to complete this examination.
Social Media Marketing for Construction Trades
Learn the ins and outs of social media marketing from experts that work in both social media and the construction industry. Use these tools and tricks to upgrade your personal and professional profiles, drive leads, and increase business.