Starting from the Bottom | North Carolina
2 Elective Hour Text Course | Approval #5022
This course takes a look at decisions made in selecting materials for the foundation, floor assembly and foundation types and how to avoid problems that occure from making poor choices.
0.2 ICC CEUs – Approval #27604
The North Carolina Licensing Board has extended the deadlines for course completion to assist those affected by Hurricane Helene. The new deadline for elective courses is March 1, 2025. Students can begin their courses at any time on or before March 1, 2025, and must complete them within 30 days. However, any licenses not renewed by March 1, 2025, will be deemed invalid until they are renewed. Mandatory courses must be completed by December 31, 2024. For all other years the below notice is true.
For all other years the below notice is true:
Note: Per North Carolina requirements, students must complete all online elective courses 30 days from the course registration, or no later than November 30th of each year. If you do not complete the course in 30 days, you will be required to begin the course from the beginning and pass the summative assessment with at least a 70% pass rate, and within 30 days in order to gain credit for the course. Please call our office at 1-800-727-7104 to re-start your course. We will not charge for the first retake but will charge for any subsequent renewal requests.
Remember: Courses cannot be purchased, started, or completed after midnight eastern time on November 30th, and during December.
Instructor: Paul Spite
When a floor collapses or when mold appears on it, we can be sure of one thing. Such problems likely began when poor choices were made selecting materials, from the level of the grade to the level of the finished floor. Like the problems they spawn, choices made in proper or improper floor design, begin at the bottom and work their way upward.
This text-based course takes a systematic look at decisions made in choosing specific components of construction, from the ground to the top of the first finished floor. Those choices need to be sound and dependable, since the top of that floor is the base upon which the rest of the enclosure will rest.
This design process includes an analysis of water attacking the structure, why specific foundation options are selected, what framing members will support the floor, how vapor drive will be controlled, what insulation will be installed to isolate climates, the subflooring that will be the primary barrier between the inside atmosphere and any space below, and the underlayment and finish flooring that will be placed above.
If we do our job well as designers, that last component will be the only part of everything chosen, to ever need further attention or consideration from our clients.
By the end of this course, the design professional will:
- Understand building science principles relevant to floor system design and moisture intrusion issues that affect indoor air quality, as well as structural integrity
- Readily identify system components in a high-performance floor assembly, such as grade, crawl space, vapor retarder, framing systems, insulation, sub-floor, underlayment and finish flooring.
- Be able to explain how the changing codes and evolving building materials are impacting and influencing sub-flooring system design
- Realize the principles behind the vapor drive in operation below floors, and how to anticipate and prevent the movement of moisture into flooring components.
- Develop a solid rationale for fastener types chosen and implemented to combine flooring assembly components.
- Have a grasp of recommended design methodology incorporating building science principles and code requirements, to ensure a designed floor assembly provides durability and increases occupant well-being
Estimated time to complete this course–100 minutes
This Course Covers:
- Exterior & Interior Parameters Affecting Performance
- Framing System Choices
- Climate Separation via Insulation
- Fastener Selection
- ​Choosing Subflooring
- Underlayment
- Finish Floor Coverings
- Applying Design from the Ground Up
- Problematic Design Scenario
- Floor Assemblies in Hot Humid Climates
- Experimental Study
- General Design Recommendations
- Final Exam