Code and Energy Efficient Building | Minnesota
7 Hour Video Course
Approval #20220266
Improving weatherization and energy efficiency can save clients thousands over the life of the building. Have your clients thanking you every time they get their energy bill with the tips you learn here.
This educational offering is recognized by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry as satisfying seven (7) hours of credit toward Residential Building Contractor continuing education requirements including 1 hour Energy Code.
Instructor: Rodger Peck
Code: Students successfully completing this portion of the course will gain confidence in their ability to use and understand the current Minnesota Residential Code. It’s important to recognize the fact that without a standard to meet, many buildings would simply be too dangerous and unsafe to occupy, or, too costly to maintain. The building codes, and the building officials that enforce them, are there to safeguard the health, safety, property, and public welfare of the residents of Minnesota.
Energy Efficient Building: Even as technological innovation creates new construction possibilities, incorporating energy-efficiency into building projects can not only provide a better quality of life, but also protect the environment. A comprehensive approach to resource and energy efficiency is the best method to achieve a resource and energy efficient building. This chapter will help builders identify important considerations and then apply those principles to a specific project.
This Course Covers:
- Introduction to the Minnesota Residential Code Book
- Chapter 1300 Administration and Logic
- Minnesota Revisions and Definitions
- Planning – Design, Egress, Requirements
- Structure
- Wall Covering, Roofing and Exteriors
- Energy Efficient Building – Energy costs, Environmental concerns, Site evaluation, Solar, Geothermal, LEED