Salesperson Exam Prep Course | Michigan
8 Hour Video Course
If you work in any capacity where you are signing building or renovation contracts with customers or exchanging money, you are required to have a Salesperson License. This course will help you prepare for the exam.
This course is intended as a study guide for preparing to take the Michigan Salesperson exam administered by PSI. Topics covered are those areas outlined in the PSI Exam Candidate Information Bulletin:
- General Salesperson Concepts
- Occupational Code P.A. 299 of 1980
- Construction Lien Act
- Contracts and Law
- Estimating, Bidding, Measurements
- Restrictions and Easements
- Construction Drawings
- Construction Mathematics
- Glossary
- Practice Exam
Instructor: Megan Ward
If you are working for a licensed builder or in any capacity where you are signing building or renovation contracts with customers or exchanging money, you are required to hold a Salesperson license under that licensed builder or the qualifying office for that company.
The steps to getting licensed as a Salesperson in Michigan are:
- Salesperson licensing examination candidates must first complete and file the PSI examination registration form through PSI Examination Services (www.psiexams.com or 1-800-733-9267).
- Salespersons do NOT need to apply to the state before testing.
- Send in your application. There is no pre-licensure education requirement for the salesperson. Only the State of Michigan may determine your eligibility for a license
This course is intended as a study guide for preparing to take the Michigan Salesperson exam administered by PSI. Topics covered are those areas outlined in the PSI Exam Candidate Information Bulletin:
- General Salesperson Concepts
- Occupational Code P.A. 299 of 1980
- Construction Lien Act
- Contracts and Law
- Estimating, Bidding, Measurements
- Restrictions and Easements
- Construction Drawings
- Construction Mathematics
- Glossary
- Practice Exam