Builders and Remodelers License Exam Text Course & Book Package | Minnesota
This package contains:
- Minnesota Residential Builders and Remodelers License Text Exam Prep Course
- Minnesota Residential Code, 2020 Edition
- Pre-printed tabs
- Free Social Media Marketing for Construction Trades
This course was updated in 2020 to reflect changes made to the exam.
Instructor: J. MacDowell
This course will prepare students for the Minnesota Building Contractor or Remodeler License exam. This is based on the MN Department of Labor and Industry’s exam guide, which can be found at this link. This course will provide a breakdown of each of the exam topics, followed by hundreds of practice questions.
The exam consists of 110 multiple-choice questions. You must get at least 77 answers correct. Applicants are given four hours in which to complete the exam. Copies of current statutes and codes will be provided for reference during the exam, along with a calculator for any math portions.
This Course Covers:
- Residential Building Business and Law
- Minnesota Rules
- Minnesota Residential Code 2020
- Energy Code
- Sitework
- Concrete and Reinforcement
- Footings and Foundations
- Masonry
- Structural Framing
- Interior Finish
- Drywall
- Windows, Doors, and Skylights
- Roofing
- Exterior Finish
- Foam Plastic Insulation
- Associated Issues
- OSHA Safety
- Construction Math Video
Social Media Marketing for Construction Trades
Learn the ins and outs of social media marketing from experts that work in both social media and the construction industry. Use these tools and tricks to upgrade your personal and professional profiles, drive leads, and increase business.