Become a Pro Builder Course and Book Bundle | Professional Development
- 9 Hour Overview of Building Trades Course
- 3 Hour The Foundations of Plan Reading Course
- Book: Carpentry and Building Construction 2016 Edition
- Pre-printed tabs
- Free Video Course: Social Media for Contractors
Overview of Building Trades
Instructor: Mike Wood
This nine-hour course provides an overview of building trade skills. The information provided in this course would be advantageous for anyone seeking to start a residential building project or enter into the building industry.
This Course Covers:
- Excavation and Sitework
- Permitting and Inspections
- Floodplains
- Measurements and Markings
- Construction tools
- Soil Conditions and compaction
- Wells and Water
- Footings and foundations
- Foundations, Flooring and examples
- Framing, roofing and sheathing
- Water Barriers, ventilation, insulation, siding and gutters
- Stairs
- Windows and window types
- Masonry
- Exterior Finish
- House Plan Walkthrough
The Foundations of Plan Reading
Instructor: Larry Rospierski
The ability to interpret blueprints is an essential tool for salespeople, contractors, builders, and everyone involved in a building project. Prints provide the details you need regarding the building specifications, window types, location of electrical outlets, and more. This video course outlines the general layout of residential plans, identifying and detailing schedules, legends, symbols, and engineering instructions.
At the end of this course participants will be able to:
- Identify the various symbols included in any residential blueprint.
- Gain a broad understanding of the methodology behind successful plan reading.
- Detail and implement the use of blueprints when bidding and completing a project.
This course covers:
- Plan Components
- Plot Plans
- Architectural Plans
- Structural Plans
- Electrical Plans
- Truss Plans
Social Media Marketing for Construction Trades
Learn the ins and outs of social media marketing from experts that work in both social media and the construction industry. Use these tools and tricks to upgrade your personal and professional profiles, drive leads, and increase business.