Alabama 6 Hour Package #1
- 2 Hr Required Law Text Course: Business Basics
- 4 Hr Elective Video Course: The Foundations of Plan Reading
- Approved for 0.3 ICC CEUs
- The courses in this package must be completed by 12/31/25
This package expires on December 31, 2025 at 11:59 PM Eastern, 10:59 PM Central, 9:59 PM Mountain, 8:59 PM Pacific. You must complete the courses and download your certificate(s) before the expiration date to receive credit. After12/31, you will no longer have access to this package, so please complete the course(s) and download your certificate(s) by then.
Business Basics
This course, Business Basics, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for 2 hours of Required Law continuing Education credits.
Instructor: Jenny MacDowell
This course will provide Alabama Homebuilders with a comprehensive overview of the rules surrounding running a contracting business in the state of Alabama. We will discuss the rules and regulations for licensing, how to organize a business, and what labor laws need to be observed. Lien laws, risk management and tax requirements will also be covered, all with Alabama specific information.
The Foundations of Plan Reading
This course, The Foundations of Plan Reading, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for 4 Elective hours of continuing Education credits.
Instructor: Larry Rospierski
The ability to interpret blueprints is an essential tool for salespeople, contractors, builders, and everyone involved in a building project. Prints provide the details you need regarding the building specifications, window types, location of electrical outlets, and more. This video course outlines the general layout of residential plans, identifying and detailing schedules, legends, symbols, and engineering instructions.