Business Basics | Alabama
2 Required Law Hour Text Course
Approval #P3C-7
Learn about the licensing rules, how to organize a business, labor and lien laws, risk management, and tax requirements surrounding running a contracting business in Alabama.
This course, Business Basics, has been approved by the State of Alabama Home Builders Licensure Board for 2 hours of Required Law continuing Education credits.
This course will provide Alabama Homebuilders with a comprehensive overview of the rules surrounding running a contracting business in the state of Alabama. We will discuss the rules and regulations for licensing, how to organize a business, and what labor laws need to be observed. Lien laws, risk management and tax requirements will also be covered, all with Alabama specific information.
This Course Covers:
- Marketing Laws
- Licensing Law and Board Rules
- Business Organization
- Labor Laws
- Lien Law
- Risk Management
- Tax Laws