Product Image Project Management For Contractors Online Contractor Course

Alaska 16 Hour Package #2

  • 5 Hr Audio Course: Jobsite Safety
  • 3 Hr Audio Course:  Environmental Design for Buildings: Best Practices for the Best Design
  • 8 Hr Video Course: Construction Techniques for Contractors
  • Approved for 1.6 ICC CEUs
Add To Cart $207.00 $169.00


Jobsite Safety | Approval #17299

Instructor:  Nelson Gelinas

This Course Covers:

  • Job Safety Analysis – A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. It focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment. Ideally, after you identify uncontrolled hazards, you will take steps to eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable risk level. This course outlines the basic steps of a Job Safety Analysis.
  • Hazard Communication – In order to ensure chemical safety in the workplace, information about the identities and hazards of the chemicals must be available and understandable to workers. This course will outline employee Right-to-Know information, the Global Harmonizing System, Safety Data Sheets, and labels.
  • Personal Protective Equipment – Personal protective equipment, commonly referred to as “PPE”, is equipment worn to minimize exposure to a variety of hazards. Examples of PPE include such items as gloves, foot and eye protection, protective hearing devices (earplugs, muffs) hard hats, respirators and full body suits. This course will outline the most common forms of PPE used in the workplace.
  • Fall Protection – Falls are one of the most common types of serious injuries and deaths. Employers are responsible for maintaining a safe working environment, but when fall protection devices are impractical, personal fall protection equipment may be used. This course outlines the standard equipment use, maintenance and inspection requirements for harnesses, lanyards, lifelines, tethers and more.
  • Respiratory Protection – Respirators protect workers against insufficient oxygen environments, harmful dusts, fogs, smokes, mists, gases, vapors, and sprays. These hazards may cause cancer, lung impairment, diseases, or death. Compliance with the OSHA Respiratory Protection Standard could avert hundreds of deaths and thousands of illnesses annually. This course outlines the types of respirators available, proper fit, and inspection/maintenance requirements.


Environmental Design for Buildings: Best Practices for the Best Design | Approval #18278

Instructor:  Wayde Hoppe

This course discusses past and current trends in energy efficient technologies, and outlines best practices for energy conservation in building and design. We will identify the considerations designers must keep in mind when providing for more energy efficient systems. Energy efficient design should be at the core of any designer’s planning. It is central to the health and comfort of the consumer, not to mention to the survival of the planet. You will learn to identify components, resources and structural considerations that provide safe, code compliant environments.

After completing this course participants will be able to:

  • Understand that the process of turning energy into work can and does impact the atmosphere, water and land, thereby negatively affecting humans, animals and plant life.
  • Outline alternative resources and technologies that monitor indoor environments.
  • Outline how improved water treatment, water delivery and waste water treatment reduces the risk from water contaminants.
  • Identify components, resources and structural considerations that provide safe, code compliant environments while simultanelously reducing the negative impact on our environment.

This Course Covers:

  • Why We Should Pursue Alternate Sources Of Energy, Where it Comes From, and Why We Should Conserve
  • Current Energy Consumption, Tracking Energy Consumption and How Can We More Efficiently Produce Tempered Air
  • Energy Efficient HVAC Technologies
  • Numerous Other Methods to Conserve Energy
  • Retaining and Reducing Required Energy
  • Evaluating Energy Conservation

Construction Techniques for Contractors

Instructor:  J. MacDowell

This 8 hour course provides an overview of building trade skills. A contractor or home renovator needs to be able to layout a building site; determine the elevations of a site excavation; build concrete footing and wall forms; frame and sheath floors, walls and roofs. They must develop an understanding of the many structural components associated with the entire building envelope, supplementing the hands on experience employed in the field.  The information provided in this course would be advantageous for anyone seeking to start a residential building project or enter into the building industry. This course outlines the fundamental skills involved in residential construction or remodeling through text, integrated videos, diagrams and slides.

Learning objectives are provided to facilitate understanding and progress.   Informal progress checks throughout the module will help you review and measure your understanding of the material.  The assessment at the end of each chapter accurately reflects learning objectives.  A 70% on each assessment is required to move on to the next chapter.

This Course Covers:

  • Building Planning and Permits
  • Sitework
  • Footings and Foundations
  • Concrete and Concrete Reinforcement
  • Masonry
  • Framing/Rough Carpentry
  • Roofing