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CE Requirements:

General Contractors in North Carolina must complete 8 hours annually by November 30th including the 2-hour Mandatory Course. We currently only offer Elective courses.

Online North Carolina Continuing Education Packages

All courses and packages include a link and coupon code for $10 off the mandatory course!

Product Image Construction Documents for Success

North Carolina Project Management Elective 6 Hour Package

  • 4 Hr Residential Project Management
  • 2 Hr Starting From the Bottom
  • Includes a $10 coupon code for Mandatory Course
  • Approved for 0.6 ICC CEUs

North Carolina Contractor Individual Continuing Education Courses

Product Image Marketing for Building Contractors ICC

Marketing for Building Contractors | North Carolina

Elective Hour Text Course | Approval #5023
Effective marketing to new clients is a struggle for many business owners.  Explore successful techniques of a cost-effective marketing program to increase business year round. 

Product Image Administration and Enforcement Review ICC

Residential Project Management | North Carolina

4 Elective Hour Text Course | Approval #5021
Take an in-depth look at the responsibilities of a project manager and the methods experienced contractors use to effectively manage all aspects of a building project.  
0.4 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #26110 


Starting from the Bottom | North Carolina

2 Elective Hour Text Course | Approval #5022
This course takes a look at decisions made in selecting materials for the foundation, floor assembly and foundation types and how to avoid problems that occure from making poor choices. 
0.2 ICC CEUs – Approval #27604

I took my 13 hours of classes and the courses played perfectly on my iPhone and had no problem. I will be using your educational courses for my license renewal every two years.

I thought your course was great! It's easy to understand, simple and efficient. See you in two years!