10 Hours of continuing education must be completed before applying for licensure and every year thereafter by the anniversary of licensure.
Biennial from date of original licensure.
This package meets requirements for East Hampton contractor renewal.
8 Hour Video Course
This course outlines the most important work-related hazards on a construction site and will inspire you to practice safety first, in a way that will prevent injuries at work and at home.
8 Hour Video Course
Take an in-depth look at the responsibilities of a project manager and the methods experienced contractors use to effectively manage all aspects of a building project.
6 Hour Video Course
Effective marketing to new clients is a struggle for many business owners. Explore successful techniques of a cost-effective marketing program to increase business year round.
5 Hour Video Course
This course is a review of the responsibilities of building officials, their authority to interpret the code while working to achieve code compliance.
4 Hour Video Course
Learn the purpose and the standards of the International Property Maintenance Code and how to manage blight, rubbish, and safety as well as rental, vacation, and abandoned properties.
4 Hour Video Course
This course teaches the duties of a Building Official, and focuses on guidelines and procedures for effective operations for the department to best support your community.
3 Hour Video Course
This course outlines the general layout of residential plans, identifying and detailing schedules, legends, symbols, and engineering instructions.
3 Hour Video Course
This course focuses requirements set forth in the 29 CFR 1926 to protect employees working in confined spaces such as boilers, elevators, manholes, tanks, incinerators, silos, etc.
3 Hour Video Course
This course demonstrates how to prevent injuries by correct use of fall protection, respirators, ladders, aerial lifts and fork lifts through on-site videos.
2 Hour Video Course
This course covers the basic use of fork and aerial lifts, proper operation, hazards, inspections and maintenance, certification, fall protection, and safety hazards.
1.5 Hour Video Class
Learn the ins and outs of social media marketing from experts that work in both social media and construction to upgrade your profiles, drive leads, and increase business.
2 Hour Text Course
This course covers construction mathematics and advanced problems regarding house plans and material needs. It is also beneficial in preparing for licensing exams.
1 Hour Audio Course
Learn to recognize the forms of sexual harassment, reporting procedures, employer responsibility and liability in prevention of sexual harassment.
1 Hour Video Course
OSHA estimates that over 840,000 construction workers are exposed to silica levels exceeding the PEL each year. Learn the OSHA regulations and safety codes for silica safety.
1 Hour Video Course
Learn about the types of respirators, proper fit, inspection/maintenance requirements, and OSHA Standards which could prevent hundreds of deaths and thousands of illnesses.
1 Hour Video Course
This course will outline the most common forms of PPE used in the workplace including gloves, foot and eye protection, hearing devices, hard hats and more.
1 Hour Video Course
This course will focus on the various steps to take to ensure hot work (any activity or precess that creates flames, sparks or heat) is performed in a safe manner.
1 Hour Viedo Course
This course outlines employee Right-to-Know information, the Global Harmonizing System, Safety Data Sheets, and labels to ensure chemical safety in the workplace.
1 Hour Video Course
Falls are one of the most common types of serious injuries and deaths. This course outlines the standard equipment use, maintenance and inspection requirements.
1 Hour Video Course
This course applies to all stairways and ladders used in construciton, alteration, repair and demolition workplaces and when they are required to comply with 29 CFR Part 1926.
.5 Hour Video Course
This course outlines the basic steps of a Job Safety Analysis so you can identify hazards before they occur and know how to eliminate or reduce them to an acceptable risk level.
.5 Hour Video Course
This course highlights standards related to fire safety, including prevention, types of fires, extinguishers and best practices.
.5 Hour Video Course
Learn the basic precautions that should be observed in the workplace to prevent these infectious micro organisms in human blood that can be contagious and cause disease.