Certified & Registered Contractors: 14 Hours
Miami Dade Contractors: 16 Hours including 1 hour of Chapter 10: Miami Dade County, and 1 hour of Florida Statute 713: Construction Lien Law
Certified Contractors - August 31st of even-numbered years
Registered Contractors - August 31st of odd-numbered years.
These 14 Hour packages fulfill all continuing education requirements for a 2 year renewal cycle for Registered and Certified contractor.
This package meets requirements for certified contractors and roofers.
7 General Hour Video Course
Approval #0613947
Learn methods and economic benefits of green building that allow homes to have less impact on the environment and the importance of using these techniques.
6 Business Hour Audio Course
Approval #0610132
This course fulfills 6 hours of required topics which include lead remediation (Workplace Safety), Lien Law (Business Practices), Worker's Compensation, Construction Laws and Rules, and Wind Mitigation. This course must be completed by 7/22/25
1 Advanced Hour Audio/Text Course
Approval #0614971/CRS13426
This course will help familiarize students with changes to the 2023 Florida Building Code, Residential including wall coverings, Roof Assemblies, Special Appliances, Equipment, and Systems & Energy Code Updates.