Florida Certified Contractor License Renewal FAQ’s
Published on May 28, 2020 by Alicia Eckert
![Florida Certified Contractors Florida Certified Contractors](https://i0.wp.com/checkout.licensetobuild.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Florida-Certified-Contractors-e1590687573428.jpg?fit=300%2C300&ssl=1)
Florida Certified contractors renew their licenses August 31st of even numbered years—that time is almost here! Here are some frequently asked questions to help you navigate the license renewal process.
How much continuing education do I need to renew my Florida Contractors license?
All Registered Contractors and Certified Contractors are required to complete fourteen (14) hours of continuing education each renewal cycle. Of the fourteen hours, one hour is required in each of the following topics:
- Specialized or Advanced Module that is approved by the Florida Building Commission
- Workplace Safety
- Business Practices
- Worker’s Compensation
- Laws and Rules Regulating the Construction Industry
- Wind Mitigation Methodologies (if license is held in the following category: General, Building, Residential, Roofing, Specialty Structure, or Glass & Glazing.
The remaining hours may include any of the above topics or general topics to the industry.
NOTE: Pool/Spa Contractor – Commercial, Residential and Servicing, Residential Pool/Spa Servicing Specialty are required to have 1 hour of Pool electrical (New requirement as of June 2019)
What is the difference between a certified license and a registered license in Florida?
Certified licenses are statewide and allow you to work as a contractor anywhere in Florida. Registered licenses are limited to certain local jurisdictions and only allow you to work in the cities or counties where you hold a certificate of competency.
I am changing my Florida license status to inactive, am I required to maintain my continuing education?
No. However, when you reactivate your license, you must show proof of completing 14 hours of continuing education for the renewal cycle immediately preceding reactivation of your license. Included in the 14 hours, you must show that you have complied with all requirements for your license type.
What Florida license categories are your continued education courses approved for?
Our courses are approved for Construction Industry licenses to include the following license categories:
- Air Conditioning Service
- Building
- Class A Air Conditioning
- Class B Air Conditioning
- Commercial Pool/Spa**
- General
- Internal Pollutant Storage Tank Lining Applicator
- Mechanical
- Plumbing
- Pollutant Storage Systems
- Precision Tank Tester
- Residential
- Residential Pool/Spa**
- Roofing
- Sheet Metal
- Solar
- Specialty: Drywall
- Specialty: Demolition
- Specialty: Gas Line
- Specialty: Glass and Glazing
- Specialty: Irrigation
- Specialty: Marine
- Specialty: Residential Pool/Spa Servicing**
- Specialty: Solar Water Heating
- Specialty: Structure
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Decking
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Excavation
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Finishes
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Layout
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Piping
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Structural
- Specialty: Swimming Pool Trim
- Specialty: Tower
- Swimming Pool/Spa Service**
- Underground Utility and Excavation
**NOTE: 1-hour of Pool electrical required as of June 2019
Can Florida contractor continuing education be completed online?
Yes. Providers with the “C / I” or “I” designation are approved to offer online courses.
Our courses are all approved for Florida online continuing education, Provider #0005830.
How can I check on the number of hours of Florida contractor continuing education I have completed?
Go to http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/online-services/ to log on or activate your account and verify your completed CE hours.
Who do I contact at the state level for Florida contractor continuing education questions?
Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation
1940 North Monroe Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 487-1395