You may complete 16 Hours of Technical or 8 Hours Technical & 8 Hours Business
December 31st of even-numbered years
All packages consists of two 8 hour courses and fullfill all state requirements.
This package meets requirements for Alaska contractors renewing their license. Courses include:
8 Business Hour Video Course
Approval #17175
This course focuses on hazardous energy, fall protection, fire safety, hazard communication, PPE, Respiratory protection, silica safety and stairways and ladders.
0.8 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #26096
8 Technical Hour Video Course
Approval #18367
This course provides an overview of building trade skills and is advantageous for anyone seeking to start a residential building project or enter into the building industry.
I took my 13 hours of classes and the courses played perfectly on my iPhone and had no problem. I will be using your educational courses for my license renewal every two years.
I thought your course was great! It’s easy to understand, simple and efficient. See you in two years!